Taking account the number of places reserved for the press accreditation for this event, by precaution, it is preferable to be register, as well to attend the preliminary presentation of the works, as for the sale itself at Drouot-Montaigne, 15 avenue Montaigne 75008 Paris, at 8 p.m. on Saturday 28th October 2000.
It is enough for you to do it until 25th October 2000, at the following address :

    Étude de Maître Pierre Cornette de Saint Cyr

    Vente Fred Forest
    44 avenue Kléber
    75016 Paris.
    TEL : 01 47 27 11 24

It will be possible to follow the sale on Internet online.


    Press conference : 26th October 2000 at 11o'clock a.m. in l"Atelier" BNP-PARIBAS, 5 avenue Kléber 75016 Paris (metro Kléber).